Who we are - Sustainable, environmental, social enterprise - Sustain & Enable Limited

Who we are

At Sustain & Enable, we're passionate about creating a better world for all.
We are community enterprise, social enterprise, and environmental consultancy that empowers individuals and organisations to make informed, ethical, affordable, and sustainable choices.
We started way back in 2015-16 with the goal to plan and deliver environmental programs to enable people to care for the environment, do meaningful work, and live healthy, sustainable lifestyles with minimal stress and maximum time with loved ones.

As an environmental social community enterprise, we design and enable sustainable projects that benefit the planet and provide goods and services that encourage sustainable living best practices. Our profits are directed towards public good services and worthwhile initiatives that wouldn't happen without funding. Our services are designed to provide healthier, more efficient, and sustainable solutions to homeowners, rental properties, property professionals, investors and developers, new builds, industry, businesses, public sector, and non-profit organisations.

We work collaboratively with numerous organisations around New Zealand and internationally, to maximise the environmental and social benefits we can deliver to our clients. We are currently in the process to obtain charitable status in the future to access additional funding for projects.
Join us in our mission to create a sustainable, equitable world for all.

Our Vision

"Healthier Homes, Zero Waste! A flourishing network of eco-neighbourhoods and resilient, connected communities by 2050."

At Sustain and Enable, we envision a future where you know, care about, and support your neighbours, communities are connected, resilient, and sustainable, and households are healthy and produce less waste and fewer carbon emissions.

Our Mission

"To connect people to meaningful work, and help people live, affordably, in healthier homes while reducing their waste and carbon emissions."

Our mission at Sustain and Enable is to empower individuals and communities to live in healthier homes while reducing their waste footprint. We strive to achieve this by providing free healthy home assessments and promoting sustainable living practices that protect the environment and create resilient communities.

Our Core Principles

  • Learn from the past and focus on the future we want. Building resilience is key to creating a sustainable future.
  • Environment, health and well-being, family, community, and sustainability are the fundamental elements of a happy, wholesome, and balanced life.
  • The environment is larger than us. As people, we have the ability to advocate for ourselves, but plants, animals, and ecosystems have few advocates. Their needs should be prioritised over our own.
  • Practice being fully present and commit to the people you are with. Help others whenever possible, avoiding aiding in bad decisions.
  • Learning is a lifelong journey. Every person and everything we encounter has something to teach us, and we have something to teach them.
  • Seek to understand others, communicate transparently, frequently, and in all directions. Collaboration is essential to achieve common goals.
  • Feel, think, collaborate, understand, then act. It is important to consider all aspects of a situation before taking action.
  • Money was created by people to make trading easier, and its value is only determined by collective agreement. Use what you have to create, change, or trade for what you need. Buy only what you genuinely need to, and prefer local, NZ-made, sustainable products to support our economy and environment. We avoid supporting large multinational companies, particularly those who take profits offshore.

These principles guide our decisions and actions, ensuring that we stay true to our values and work towards a sustainable future.

Our targets for 2024

  • Help 2000 people (or ~500 households) to make their homes healthier in Auckland or rural areas of New Zealand.

If you can assist with a donation of money or time, please contact us here.

Languages & Accessibility

At Sustain & Enable, we are committed to respecting and honouring cultural differences. Our founder takes great care to ensure that our translations are accurate and sensitive to other cultures. We believe that communication should never be a barrier to promoting healthier living and sustainability, and we're dedicated to making our resources accessible to all.

We have team members who are fluent or conversational in a range of languages, including:

  • Mandarin/ Cantonese (Chinese)
  • Hindi (Indian)
  • Maori
  • Many Pacific languages

We believe that everyone should be able to easily access the resources they need to live in a healthier home or reduce their waste, regardless of language or ability. Our multi-disciplinary team is diverse and multicultural, and we are continuously developing resources in a variety of languages to make our content more accessible. Join us in our commitment to respecting cultural differences and promoting sustainability for all.

While we have done our best to provide accurate translations of our content, the English version remains the master copy and may contain the most up-to-date information. If you notice any errors or inappropriate content in our translations, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We work in collaboration with many organisations around New Zealand and internationally to maximise the environmental and social benefits we can deliver for you. Ask us about our key memberships and accreditations:


We have ambitious plans for our future

Community Resource Recovery and Recycling Centre At Sustain & Enable, we believe in creating sustainable communities that promote resourcefulness, resilience, and well-being. That's why we're excited to announce our plans to partner with other organisations to plan to build a Community Resource Centre. This hub will become a focal point for community sustainability activities of all kinds, a place where people can come together to learn and share skills and knowledge, and a drop-in centre that spans everything from workshops to re-purposing unwanted goods into useful items.
One of the main benefits of this Community Resource Centre will be its ability to promote a circular economy. By providing a space for people to drop off unneeded or broken goods, and then learn how to repair or recycle them properly, we can reduce waste and help to keep valuable resources in use. Additionally, the shop at the centre will sell things that have been given a new life by locals, as well as other goods that help people live more sustainably. This will create opportunities for local businesses to showcase their products and services and help to build a thriving, sustainable economy. Another benefit of this project will be the education and skill-sharing opportunities it provides. By hosting workshops and events focused on sustainable living, we can help people learn how to reduce their environmental impact and live more sustainable, healthier lives. The Community Resource Centre will also be designed to be accessible to schools, providing an opportunity for students to learn about sustainability and practical skills such as repair, reuse, and recycling.
Most importantly, this Community Resource Centre will provide a space for the community to come together and build connections. It will be a place for people to share knowledge, skills, and ideas, fostering a sense of community and belonging. We believe that this project has the potential to create lasting, positive change in our community, and we welcome any support, financial or otherwise, that can help us turn this vision into reality. If you would like to be a part of this exciting project, please contact us today.

Our Values

  • Honesty
  • Collaboration
  • Transparency
  • Proactivity
  • Accountability
  • Lifelong Learning

Sustain and Enable is working towards a future where people are healthy and make the right choices for themselves, their families, their communities, and the environment.

Accredited Living Wage Employer

Living Wage Movement Aotearoa New Zealand At Sustain and Enable, we're proud to be a Living Wage Accredited Employer, assuring our employees a respectable income. Join us in championing fair compensation and addressing income inequality

Healthy Home Initiative

Sustain & Enable has collaborated with AWHI and Noho Āhuru along with their providers and other agencies like Habitat for Humanity. This provided Healthy Homes Services for some of our whānau - who are still the most vulnerable throughout Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland).

With funding provided by the Ministry of Health, Local Councils, and others, we are able to assess these homes and provide targeted advice to occupants and owners about how to make their homes healthier.

how do I get involved?

Some site content is provided as a public service, but you can support the cause by becoming a member and enjoying access to our ever-growing on-line resource database.

Join Now

Join the team. We work with a range of organisations and activities that need the help of volunteers. Register with us and we can put you together with the right people.

Learn More

As with many community-focused enterprises, we rely in part on donations to continue to offer some services. Every little bit helps, please click here.

Donate Now

Within every community is a vast pool of knowledge and skills which we would welcome as part of our community resource. If you can contribute, please click here.

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