Low Carbon

New Zealand cannot begin to meet our carbon emissions reduction targets without addressing serious issues with our existing homes, new builds and waste.

The Minister for Climate Change confirmed that building contributes approximately 20% of our carbon footprint as a nation, and we know that waste from construction and demolition from our building and construction industry makes up more than half of the waste that goes to landfill in New Zealand. Transport and agriculture are also big contributors for New Zealand.

Sustain & Enable is committed to helping New Zealand households and organisations exceed our CO2 equivalent reduction goals. Please contact us if you need help bench-marking, setting or measuring your targets or tracking your emissions reductions. We are here to help.

Cows and CarsGreater Auckland_Energy-resources

how do I get involved?

Some site content is provided as a public service, but you can support the cause by becoming a member and enjoying access to our ever-growing on-line resource database.

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Within every community is a vast pool of knowledge and skills which we would welcome as part of our community resource. If you can contribute, please click here.

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