The Benefits of a Healthy Home Assessment for Renters

As a renter, you might think that your living conditions are solely the responsibility of your landlord. Living in a rental property doesn't mean you can't have a comfortable and healthy home.
We can attend your rental property and provide you with our Rental WOF - a new product that gives renters peace of mind, education, and some neat items to purchase to live healthier (and save money on utilities!).

We can do a deeper assessment following the HomeFit guidelines - but your landlord will need to request this.

While some improvements may require your landlord's permission, there are several things you can do yourself to enhance your living conditions. 
However, it's important to note that your health and safety should be a top priority too - and one way to ensure that your home is a healthy living space is by getting a healthy home assessment.

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Let's explore the benefits of getting a healthy home assessment as a renter.

  1. Identify Potential Health Hazards
    A healthy home assessment can identify potential health hazards that could be harmful to you and your family's health. For instance, the assessment can identify whether your home has mould, all of which can cause severe health issues if not dealt with properly. Identifying these hazards early can prevent long-term health problems and ensure a safe living environment.
  2. Improve Indoor Air Quality
    Indoor air quality is essential for a healthy home. Unfortunately, poor ventilation, dampness, and poor insulation can cause indoor air pollution. This can trigger respiratory problems and allergies, especially for those with pre-existing conditions. A healthy home assessment can identify these issues and recommend ways to improve indoor air quality, such as increasing ventilation and removing sources of pollution.
  3. Save on Energy Costs
    A healthy home assessment can also identify ways to save on energy costs. For example, the assessment can detect areas of your home that may need more insulation or draft sealing, leading to energy efficiency and cost savings.
  4. Enjoy a Comfortable Living Space
    A healthy home assessment can help you enjoy a comfortable living space. The assessment can identify issues with temperature, humidity, and ventilation that can affect your comfort level. By addressing these issues, you can create a comfortable and pleasant living space.
  5. Peace of Mind
    Getting a healthy home assessment can provide peace of mind, knowing that your home is safe and healthy. As a renter, it's crucial to ensure that your living environment is not only comfortable but also healthy and safe. A healthy home assessment can give you the assurance you need that your home is a healthy living space.
  6. Increase ventilation
    Poor ventilation can lead to a build-up of moisture and harmful pollutants, such as mould and carbon monoxide. Renters can keep their home well-ventilated by opening windows, using extractor fans, and installing air vents.
  7. Keep it clean
    Regular cleaning can help to remove allergens and pollutants from the home. Renters should vacuum carpets, wash bedding, and wipe down surfaces on a regular basis.
  8. Use natural products
    Many cleaning and personal care products contain harmful chemicals that can contribute to indoor air pollution. Renters can use natural, non-toxic alternatives to reduce their exposure to these toxins.
  9. Control pests
    Pests, such as mice, rats, and cockroaches, can carry harmful bacteria and trigger allergies and asthma. Renters can control pests by keeping their home clean, sealing cracks and crevices, and using pest traps and baits.
  10. Seek professional help
    If renters are concerned about the health of their home, they can seek professional help. Sustain and Enable, for example, can provide healthy home assessments and advice on how to make homes safer and more comfortable for residents.

In conclusion, as a renter, getting a healthy home assessment can have a significant impact on your health, comfort, and peace of mind. It can identify potential health hazards, improve indoor air quality, save on energy costs, provide a comfortable living space, and give you peace of mind knowing that your home is safe and healthy. Don't hesitate to reach out to Sustain and Enable to schedule a healthy home assessment for your rental property.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your rental:

  1. Keep the property clean and tidy, as a clean environment is essential for good health.
  2. Regularly vacuum and clean floors, carpets, and furniture to remove dust, dirt, and other particles.
  3. Open windows to improve air circulation and ventilation, which can help reduce moisture levels and prevent mould growth.
  4. Use a dehumidifier or air conditioning unit to regulate humidity levels and keep the air fresh and dry.
  5. Fix any leaks or water damage immediately to prevent the growth of mould and mildew.
  6. Avoid smoking or burning candles, as this can lead to poor air quality and leave residue on surfaces.
  7. Keep the kitchen clean and free of food waste to prevent pests and unwanted odours.
  8. Use natural cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals that can be harmful to your health.
  9. Use a quality air filter to remove dust, pollen, and other particles from the air.
  10. Replace air filters regularly to ensure they are working efficiently.
  11. Install carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms to ensure your safety.
  12. Don’t overcrowd the space with furniture or clutter, as this can lead to poor air circulation and increase the risk of accidents.
  13. Use curtains or blinds to regulate the amount of natural light entering the property.
  14. Use energy-efficient light bulbs to reduce energy consumption and save money on your electricity bill.
  15. Don’t block heating or cooling vents, as this can lead to poor airflow and affect the temperature and humidity levels.
  16. Don’t store flammable materials inside the property.
  17. Keep appliances and electrical equipment clean and well-maintained to prevent fires or electrical hazards.
  18. Use natural methods to control pests and avoid using pesticides that can be harmful to your health.
  19. Report any maintenance issues or repairs needed to the landlord or property manager promptly.
  20. Stay informed about your rights and responsibilities as a renter, and don't hesitate to speak up if you feel your living conditions are unsafe or unhealthy.

Remember, while these tips can help improve your living conditions, it's essential to address any significant issues with your landlord.
Don't hesitate to reach out to them if you notice a problem that needs attention.
With a little effort, you can create a comfortable and healthy home for yourself, even in a rental property.

40 tips to save on your power and water bills as a tenant:

  1. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.
  2. Use LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs.
  3. Take shorter showers
  4. Swap your hand shower's head for a low flow one (or get a plumber to install a low-flow shower-head if you have a wall fitting)**
  5. Fix leaky faucets and toilets promptly.
  6. Use a dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand.
  7. Wash clothes in cold water and hang dry outside when possible.
  8. Close blinds and curtains during hot summer days (to keep the house cool) and winter nights (to keep it warm).
  9. Open windows and use fans instead of air conditioning when possible.
  10. Use a programmable thermostat to regulate the temperature.
  11. Keep the refrigerator and freezer at the proper temperatures.
  12. Use power strips (multi-plugs) to turn off multiple devices at once.
  13. Unplug electronics when not in use to eliminate "phantom loads."
  14. Use natural light instead of artificial light during the day.
  15. Use a clothesline or drying rack outside instead of a dryer.
  16. Install weatherstripping to seal doors and windows.
  17. Use a draft stopper to keep cold air from coming in under doors.
  18. Keep the oven and stove top clean to ensure efficient heating.
  19. Don't overfill the fridge or freezer, as this can reduce efficiency.
  20. Clean air filters regularly to improve airflow and air quality (including for heat pumps and ventilation systems).
  21. Plant deciduous trees or install shading devices outside windows to block the sun's heat*
  22. Keep windows and doors closed when the air conditioning or heating is on.
  23. Use natural cleaning products to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.
  24. Use area rugs to add insulation and warmth to cold floors.
  25. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas to prevent mould growth***
  26. Use curtains or blinds to reduce heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter.
  27. Keep indoor plants to improve air quality and reduce stress (just remember: plants increase moisture - so use in a ventilated room)
  28. Use a programmable thermostat to regulate indoor temperature and save energy.
  29. Use a microwave or toaster oven instead of the oven to save energy.
  30. Avoid smoking indoors to improve air quality and prevent fire hazards.
  31. Store food properly to prevent pests and odours in the home

* Please ask your landlord first for permission before planting trees.
** Only a registered plumber should install a low-flow shower-head.
*** A landlord should be looking after your house. If you have these issues, contact your landlord to remedy, and mention Sustain and Enable as we can provide a home assessment for them :)

How to get your rental property assessed, as a tenant:

  1. Contact your landlord: As a tenant, it's ideal if you contact your landlord first to request permission for the healthy home assessment.
  2. Contact Sustain and Enable: Once you have permission from your landlord, contact Sustain and Enable to schedule the assessment.
  3. Provide property details: Sustain and Enable will need the details of the rental property such as the address and the number of bedrooms.
  4. Provide tenant information: Sustain and Enable will also need your contact information including your name, email address, and phone number.
  5. Schedule the assessment: After gathering all necessary information, Sustain and Enable will schedule a time and date for the assessment to take place.
  6. Prepare the property: Before the assessment, the tenant will need to ensure the property is clean and tidy, with clear access to all areas of the home.
  7. Attend the assessment: The tenant must be present during the assessment to answer any questions and provide access to any locked areas of the property.
  8. Receive the assessment report: After the assessment is complete, Sustain and Enable will provide a report detailing the findings and recommendations for improving the home's health and safety.
  9. Discuss report with landlord: The tenant should discuss the report with their landlord to agree on any necessary improvements.
  10. Schedule a follow-up assessment: After any necessary improvements have been made, a follow-up assessment may be scheduled to ensure the property meets the healthy home standards.

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