HomeFit Assessments

Sustain & Enable are Auckland's premier impartial Healthier Homes Advisers.

We are proud supporters of HomeFit, and proud to have been asked by the NZ Green Building Council to support the development of the tool and training in the second half of 2018, as well as participate in the pilot programme.

By the time HomeFit launched in November 2018, we had the largest and most experienced HomeFit Assessor organisation in New Zealand; with 8 Assessors covering homes in Northland, Auckland and Waikato. 

Our team continues to evolve, but our goal is to help at least 2000 families live in healthier homes by the time the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act comes into full force in 2025.

You can choose to start with an online self check at www.homefit.org.nz, or contact us straightaway for an impartial assessment, tailored report, and support to prioritize what to do first to make the home healthier, within your budget.

We offer discounts for bookings of multiple properties and key clients with bulk bookings. We also offer a buy-one, give one option to help those families most in need who are unable to cover the cost of an assessment upfront. You are welcome to nominate a recipient, or we are able to choose a worthy household for you.

To book an assessment or request more information, please contact us, phone 09 412 2911, or email info@se.org.nz


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